Alchemy Classic Game Cheat Sheet
- Zed’s Alchemy Cheats Sheet Zed’s Alchemy is one of the original alchemy games on the mobile platform. We have compiled an easy to use 1 page answer sheet to help you with all the element combinations in the game. For some of the combinations, if they do not work, you could try to switch the order or restart the application.
- Alchemy Classic is a game where you combine elements to create new elements. You start with the basic elements fire, water, air, and earth and create more complex items up to airship, candy, and town. In our complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted list with all.
- I stumbled on Little Alchemy by chance, and ever since I have considered it one of my all-time favorite game. This alchemy cheat sheet is the latest guide with 540 elements and combinations. At the time I found it I was looking for a book called the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, it was highly recommended as a very inspiring book. I have since read the book and it possibly made the game more.
Alchemy 10 v4.3.4.0 (1111 Elements) AcidRain - Rain + Smoke / Rain + Smog Air AirConditioning - Air + Electricity Airplane - Bird + Metal / Bird + Steel. Alchemy Classic is a game where you combine elements to create new elements. You start with the basic elements fire, water, air, and earth and create more complex items up to airship, candy, and town. In our complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted list with all elements to find out more about it.
Walkthrough: Complete list of all combinations/solutions for Alchemy Classic Android Game. The game is developed by Nia-soft for the Android platform.
You start with 4 elements: Air, Water, Fire and Earth and you have to combine them to get new elements and stuff, all the way up to plants, animals and other funny things.
Please leave a comment if you have any combinations that I have missed 😀
USE CTRL+F or cmd+F to search within your browser, this is the easiest way to find an element.
Here’s the complete list:
Alcohol = Fire + Water
Fog = Air + Water
Lightning = Air + Fire
Stone = Earth + Fire
Swamp = Earth + Water
Volcano = Earth + 2xFire
Wind = 2xAir
Amino acid = Lightning + Swamp
Clouds = Fog + Air
Hydrothermal vein = Volcano + Earth + Water
Metals = Stone + Fire
NO2 = Lightning + 2xAir
Salt water = Stone + Water
Sand = Stone + Air
Steam = Fog + Fire
Aluminium (Al) = Metals + 3xFire
Chromium (Cr) = Metals + 6xFire
Copper (Cu) = Metals + 4xFire
Iron (Fe) = Metals + 5xFire
Lead (Pb) = Metals + Fire
Tungsten (W) = Metals + 7xFire
Zinc (Zn) = Metals + 2xFire
Bacteria = Amino acid + Swamp
Clay = Sand + Swamp
Cold = Clouds + 2xWind
Electricity = Metals + Lightning
Glass = Sand + Fire
HNO3 + Hydrogen (H) = NO2 + Water
Magnet = Metals + Stone
Minerals = Hydrothermal vein + Earth
Rain = Clouds + Water
Salt = Salt water + Air
Algae = Bacteria + Water
Brick = Clay + Fire
Bronze = Copper + Lead
Chlorine (Cl) + Sodium (Na) = Electricity + Salt + Fire
Cinnabar + Sulfur = Minerals + Earth
Compass = Glass + Magnet + Metals
CuZn battery = Copper + Zinc
Ice = Cold + Water
HNO2 = Hydrogen + NO2
Lightbulb = Glass + Tungsten
Mutating bacteria = Bacteria + Alcohol
Nitric acid = HNO3 + Water
Oxygen + 2xHydrogen = Electricity + Water
Sandglass = Glass + Sand
Snow = Cold + Rain
Steel = Chromium + Iron
Thunderstorm = Rain + Lightning
Viruses = Bacteria + Earth
Cells = 2xBacteria
Chemical rubbish = CuZn battery + Fire
Fungi = Algae + Swamp
Glowing lightbulb = Lightbulb + Electricity
HCl = Chlorine + Hydrogen
Mercury = Cinnabar + Fire
Moss = Algae + Earth
Nitrous Acid = HNO2 + Water
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) = Sodium + Water
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) = Sulfur + Oxygen
Plankton = Cells + Water
Fern = Moss + Swamp
Fertilizer = Nitric acid + Sodium hydroxide
Grass = Moss + Earth
HCl Acid = HCl + Water
Sodium hydroxide solution = Sodium hydroxide + Water
Sulfur trioxide (SO3) = Sulfur dioxide + Oxygen
Thermometer = Mercury + Glass
Arthropods = Plankton + Earth
Bamboo = Grass + Earth
Corals = Plankton + Stone
Fish = Plankton + Algae
Flowers = Fern + Grass
Jellyfish = Plankton + Water
Molluscs = Plankton + Swamp
Mutating plant = Fern + Mutating bacteria
Palms = Fern + Sand
Poisoned animal = Plankton + Chemical rubbish
Reed = Grass + Water
Shrub = Fern + Earth
Starfish = Plankton + Sand
Sulfuric acid = Sulfur trioxide + Water
Undefined dead lifeform = Plankton + Fire
Vegetable waste = Fern + Metals
Amphibians = Fish + Swamp
Aquarium = Fish + Glass
Beetles = Anthropods + Air
Cactus = Flowers + Sand
Compost = 2xVegetable waste
Cephalopods = Molluscs + Water
Drunken animal = (any animal) + Alcohol
Eel = Fish + Electricity
Flying Fish = Fish + Air
Hedge = 3xShrub
Infected animal = (any animal) + Viruses
Methane = Vegetable waste + Earth
Millipedes = Anthropods + Earth
Mussels = Molluscs + Sand
Oil = Vegetable waste + Stone
Orchids = Flowers + Fungi
Poisoned animal = (any animal) + Chemical rubbish
Shrimps = Anthropods + Water
Slugs = Molluscs + Swamp
Snails = Molluscs + Earth
Spiders = Anthropods + Stone
Trees = Flowers + Earth
Trilobites = Anthropods + Sand
Wood = Bamboo + Steel
Alien = Amphibians + Mutating bacteria
Ammonites = Cephalopods + Sand
Ash = Wood + 2xFire
Carbon (C) = Wood + Fire
Cellulose = Wood + Sulfuric acid + Water
Crabs = Shrimps + Sand
Forest = 2xTrees
Frogs = Amphibians + Swamp
Insects = Beetles + Air
Liana = Trees + Grass
Octopus = Cephalopods + Water
Reptiles = Amphibians + Sand
Salamanders = Amphibians + Earth
Scorpions = Spiders + Sand
Terrarium (A) = Amphibians + Glass
Tools = Wood + Metals
Wooden fragments = Trees + Lightning
Worms = Slugs + Earth
Ants = Insects + Earth
Bees = Insects + Flowers
Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Potassium nitrate (KNO3) + Water = Ash + Nitric acid
Crocodiles = Reptiles + Water
Diamond = Carbon + Stone
Dinosaurs = Reptiles + Sand
Dying forest = Forest + Beetles
Dragonflies = Insects + Water
Extremely infectious alien = Alien + Viruses
Flies = Insects + Fungi
Lizards = Reptiles + Earth
Mammals = Reptiles + Ice
Robot = Alien + (any battery) + Metals
Sandworms = Worms + Sand
Snakes = Reptiles + Swamp
Stone axe = Liana + Wooden fragments + Stone
Terrarium (R) = Reptiles + Glass
Toads = Frogs + Earth
Woodworms = Worms + Wood
Wormy compost = Worms + Compost
ZnC battery = Carbon + Zinc
Active robot = Alien + Robot
Bats = Mammals + Air
Beahive = 2xBees
Butterflies = Flies + Flowers
Flying dinosaurs = Dinosaurs + Air
Gun powder = Carbon + Potassium nitrate + Sulfur
Honey bee = Bees + Flowers
Humus = Wormy compost + Earth
Mosquitos = Flies + Swamp
2xPlatypus = Mammals + Reptiles
Rodents = Mammals + Earth
Termites = Ants + Wood
Watermammals = Mammals + Water
Beavers = Rodents + Wood
Birds = Flying dinosaurs + Air
Cereals = Humus + Grass
Container = Active robot + Metals
Dolphins = Watermammals + Water
Freezer = Active robot + Ice + Metals
Fruit trees = Humus + Trees
Hares = Rodents + Grass
Honey = Honey bee + Flowers
Incomplete boiler = Active robot + Metals + Water
Lettuce = Humus + Fern
Lint = Humus + Flowers
Marmots = Rodents + Stone
Mice = Rodents + Earth
Rabbits = Rodents + Fern
Radioactivity + Undefined dead lifeform = Active robot + Alien
Rats = Rodents + Chemical rubbish
Squirrels = Rodents + Trees
Steam turbine = Active robot + Metals + Steam
Sugar cane = Humus + Bamboo
UFO = Active robot + Glass + Metals + Air
Whales = Watermammals + 2xWater
Water turbine + Electricity = Active robot + Metals + 2xWater
Wind turbine + Electricity = Active robot + Metals + Wind
Atom battery = Radioactivity + Active robot + (any battery)
Bear = Mammals + Honey
Chemical waste = Container + Chemical rubbish
Electric boiler = Incomplete boiler + (any battery)
Fiber = Lint + Tools
Flour = Cereals + 2xStone
Frozen alien = Freezer + Alien
Fruits = Fruit trees + Humus
Grains + Straw = Cereals + Metals
Hamsters = Cereals + Rodents
Hummingbirds = Birds + Flowers
Plutonium = 2xRadioactivity + Metals
Rice = Cereals + Water
Sugar + Vegetable waste = Sugar cane + Metals
Tortoise = Lettuce + Reptiles
Uranium = Radioactivity + Metals
Water Birds = Birds + Water
Woodpeckers = Birds + Wood
Atom bomb = Plutonium + Active robot + Metals
Banana = Fruits + Grass
Chikens = Grains + Birds
Ducks = Water Birds + Water
Incomplete factory = Electric boiler + Wood + Brick
Juice = Fruits + Stone
Loom = Fiber + Tools + Wood
Nuclear boiler = Uranium + Incomplete boiler
Penguins = Water Birds + Ice
Polar Bear = Bear + Ice
Seagulls = Water Birds + Air
Sugar water = Sugar + Water
Yarn = 2xFiber
Alchemy Classic Game Cheat Sheet Music
Eggs = Chickens + Cereals
Monkeys = Banana + Mammals
Nuclear power station = Nuclear boiler + Steam turbine
Paper factory = Incomplete factory + Cellulose
Swamp chickens = Chickens + Swamp
Textile = Loom + Yarn
Textile factory = Incomplete factory + Loom
Wine = Juice + Fungi
Bread = Egg + Flour + Fire + Water
Chicks = Eggs + Chickens
Clothes = Textile factory + Textile
Nuclear waste = Nuclear power station + Container
Paper = Paper factory + Cellulose
Vinegar = Wine + Bacteria
Polluted earth = Nuclear waste + Earth
Alchemy Classic Hints
The Olde ApothecaryGuide to DAoC AlchemyCrave wisdom of God, the sense to understand, | |
29-Oct-2011 Dark Age of Camelot
| News Archives Links Artwork and screen shots Copyright © 2001-2004 Mythic Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission of Mythic Entertainment.
Alchemy images courtesy of ©Adam McLean
Disclaimer: These pages contain data collected from the MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot and its expansions.
The data is based on real time content within the game, is not guaranteed to be complete or
correct and is subject to change as EA/Mythic Entertainment make changes to their game.
Alchemy images displayed on this page ©Adam McLean 1997-2010
This site last updated on 28-Oct-2011