Fable Xbox Game Cheats

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Fable III – Cheats Glitches. There's a quick, easy glitch that allows you to dupe gold or anything else. You just need a 2nd controller. Become the ruler of Albion. Win the support of the Dwellers. Win the support of the Bowerstone. If you swim out into the. Game Cheats @ MoFunZone.com. Fable Cheats For Xbox Unlimited Money: Buy a really nice maritial home, like the one in Hook Coast or Knotthole glade. If you don't have acsess to those places, any maritial home will work. Take your best trophy and put it on the plaque in. Fable Cheats Choose your path, good, bad, or in between, and live your life in this open world rpg. Walk to the circle of flowers by the house. Use your spade to dig up a Silver Key. If you repeat then you can also get 500 gold each time, by cutting the thorns and opening the treasure chest. Be warned though because you get Evil points as a result. If you do a hero save, load the saved game again and you should appear out of the Rose Cottage area.

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Get the latest Fable cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox (Xbox). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox cheats we have available for Fable.

Get A Dragon

To get a dragon go to Elm, the sailor in theNorth of Albion. Follow him to his boat, find acrew, and then sail to an Island. Once there,you will find a big volcano and a small village.Go speak to the mayor. He'll tell you, you mustgo to a cave in the volcano. Once inside, youwill find a Y Splitsing. Smash the pillars andyou will find 2 spheres. Then go in front of theY Splitsing and you will find 3 circle sings, 2small ones and 1 big one. Put the spheres on thesmall circles and the big one will open up. Thengo down in the circle and you will be in anothercave. Whatever you do DONT'T WAKE THE SLEEPINGDRAGON!!! It is invincible and it will pack onthe hurt. So instead of attacking kneel and prayfor it. It will give you a sword and an egg. Goback to Greatwood and the egg will hatch, givingyou a baby dragon!!! Love him, squeze him, andcall him 'George'.

Go Though Walls

First: Buy a Spade.Second: find a diggable area next to a wall.Third:Put your back against the wall.Fourth: Keep on digging until you are fully though the wall.

Demon Doors

This is a really easy way to get a lot ofexperience as many times as you want. You haveto have the Arena quest card. Right before youenter The Arena in Witchwood Lake, save yourWORLD. When you enter The Arena, the Arenaquest will start. Continue as normal, and waityour turn to start fighting. When you startfighting, continue to fight all the enemiesuntil after you have beaten the Rock Trolls.There will be a message asking if you want tomove on to the next round. Select 'no'. Itwill take you back to the waiting area. Afterthe guy stops talking to you, save your HERO(since you are still in the middle of a quest).Quit your game and load your world from when yousaved it before you entered the Arena. You willnot have started the quest yet, but you willhave all the experience that you gained from thebattles (about 28,000 general). You can go backto the Guild and level up or start the questagain. You can repeat this process as manytimes as you like. Enjoy!!!

Silver Keys

There are 25 silver keys all over Albion, andthere are just as many silver chests, but theyeach require a certain number of silver keys toopen. Look for them in ripples of water, or inthe cneter of flower circles.

Lady Grey's Necklace

Game cheats 1337 android. Lady Grey's necklace is on the beach between thetwo boats to the right of the jetty in Oakvale.

Marry A Man

Eventually you will be able to marry. You can choose a man or a woman.

Continue Playing The Game

As soon as you defeat Jack of Blades (in the final quest), sadly you have to sit thru the entire ending credits which lasts about 30-40 minutes. After the credits are over, you will get your after quest stuff (experience, gold, and item ( Jack's Mask). After this you can play the game, but keep in mind, save the game so you don't have to wait for the credits again.

Tricky Silver Key

When you enter the snow place go to the bottomhouses and the ones in the middle bottom checkthe 1st floor in each of them and you should findthe key.HINT:It is in a little cabinet.

Black Rose for Lady Gray

When she says to you 'go to town and buy mesomething you don't already have'. Go back and go tothe shop split between the two path ways and theguy has the rose.

End Of Game Super Experiance And Will Points

When you are about to beat jack of blades, worldsave, then enter the chamber of fate and battlelet it auto save after reload battle again ifdesired.

Drunk Shop-Owner

This is an easy way to steal from shops. All youdo is go to a tavern, buy at least 4 beers, thengo to another shop, give the beer to the owner,and run into them. Make sure you push them out ofthe store (by running into them) before you startto steal. Also, make sure no guards or villagersare watching. Then you can hero save, and do itall over again!

How To Really Beat Jack Of Blades

I had maxed out toughness and lighting to beatjack. During the first phase of the battle, Jacksummons warriors. If you need to replenish yourmana, and do not have will potions, wait todefeat the two magicians. Once you kill themJack will stop the forcefield. Use your multihit spell to strike Jack more than once in oneswing. Repeat this until he returns to thecenter of the chamber. He will rise into theair. Then rocks will appear. He will attack you3 times with a wave, easily dodgeable; thentwice with the balls. Then he will shine a lighton his sword that will take a lot of life awayfast. So hide behind the rocks when he does it.You'll be safe. Then, use lighting until youcan't. And when he summons more monsters, justrun around the chamber until his spell, thattakes life kills the beasts. Then use lightingagain. Continue this until he dies. Then I keptthe sword. But I made mistake. When the creditsroll, you should let them go on, so you can saveyour data and continue to play. If you skip thecredits, you have to fight jack all over again.this is how I beat jack.

Double Your Gold

All you have to do is go to the Dark Wood Camp.Walk up to the blackjack guy, and save beforeyou talk to him. After saving, talk to him andbet all your gold. Double your bet and take ahit. (NOTE: If you have alot of gold theblackjack guy will cheat, but you still have achance of winning.)

Hidden Treasure

The treasuer is hidden in Oarchard Farms betweenthe barn wall and the bails of hay on the frontside of the barn. Go get it, it isn't what youthought it was.

The Harbinger, Sword In The Stone

The sword in the stone located beside thetemple of Avo in witchwood can be taken out.All you have to do is to master your 'Strength'.That means your Physique, Health andToughness must be fully upgraded. After youhave done that, go and retrieve TheHarbinger, one of the most powerful swordsthat can do serious damage!

Saving Money At The Arena

During the Arena quest, when you start out inthe Arena Basement don't buy all that you need.Because of your renown (which is probably aroundwell known or famous) the crowd will drop itemsand so will the Arena enemies.


An even easier way of gaining experience pointsis to simply go to the Hobbe Cave. Each timeyou exit an area of the cave and return, all thehobbes will automatically repopulate likerabbits.

Paladin Nickname

If you are pure evil and have a name likeMaleficus, go to the Temple of Avo and donate golduntil you are no longer evil and your name willchange to Paladin.

Infinite Gold

To earn more money, you just need to buy housesand shops, then rent them. To buy a building youjust have to kill its recent owner and when thesale sign appear, buy it and rent it. Is easier tokill the owners of the buildings at night whenthey sleeps. You can get rent money faster bysleeping in a owned marital house and repeatsleeping until the sun arises three times, then goout and collect the three money bags from eachrented building. Trust me that in no time you willhave enough money to buy an entire town. I alreadyam the owner of entire Oakvale, entire KnotholeGlade and part of Bowerstone.

Fast Magic Exp.

Have the lightning ability at a good level whereit will hit more than one enemy. Have a highamount of will power and a lot of will potions.Go to the Grey House and finish the little eventin the house and leave and come back. There willbe a lot of Zombies now. When you get next to acouple of them use the lightning ability toattack as many as it will hit. When their allgone leave and come back and there will be more.Just do this you have as much experince as youwant.

Fable Xbox Walkthrough Cheats

Lots Of Experience

First you need the arena quest card. Then enterinto the arena. Defeat all enemies, (even thescorpion king) and in the moment you have todefeat Wisper, safe your hero and then load. Youwill be outside the arena but with the experienceyou gain. Do it everytime you want. I made it fivetimes in a row and I was 'swiming in experience'.

Unlimited Experience

Go to the ANCIENT CULLIS GATE in the DARKWOODFOREST. When you defeat either the rockbeast orthe hobbs near the cullis gate, walk onto thebridge and walk back to the cullis gate. If donecorrectly, monsters will pop up automatically.(will only work if you finish a couple of themissions)

Hero Dolls

If you are in south Bowerstone feel free tobreak any barrels where there are few people inplain sight if there are no visible gaurds thiswill work easily. Note: if any gaurds come getaway from the broken barrels and the stuff theyleft on the ground.

Unlimited Gold

First, break down the door of the house inOakvale and then buy it. You will fist need toupgrade your house one time, so there are 2trophy racks. Now find your 2 most expensivetrophies and hotkey them for quick usage. Placethe 2 trophies on the racks and sell the housefor more than what you paid. Go back inside thehouse and take back your trophies. Repeat thisprocess as much as you want.

Unlimited Items

Whenever you start any kind of mission, there isusually an item in it. Save your game before youstart the mission. Then enter your mission,collect your item, save the game, and quit.Then, load the same game where you saved itbefore you started the mission. You will havethe item you've gotten earlier. Then go backinto the mission and you can get the item again.If you keep repeating this step you can haveunlimited items.


Before the arena, Chamelon, the guy who gofirst,will take a while to finish till the thirdlevel. Don't waste your time. Buy as muchpotions as you can ( if possible buy all)at thearena's basment shop.

Defeating Maze

If you want to deafeat maze, don't use meleeattack against him. Wait until his physicalshield wears off then you use the will spell(Enflame.

Physical Shield

The higher level the physical shield, the longerthe physical shield can last longer. Cheat game empire earth.

Getting Ready With Will Spells

Before you have the arena quest, you go to thegeneral experience upgrade at the guild and yougo to will and go and learn physical shield. Thatway in the arena you dont need to use too muchhealth potions.

Treasure #4

Given after winning the archery contest atKnothole Glade. Must complete Break the SiegeQuest in Knothole Glade first

Treasure #3

Given after killing the final assassin at HookCoast

Treasure #2

Received from the grateful sister at the end ofthe Bounty Hunter Quest.

Treasure #6

Dig up the clue in a mound of dirt behind thewindmill at Windmill Hill.

Treasure #5

The sword in the stone at Witchwood almost can't be taken out. You have to get you phisiqe all the way up. So don't waste your time trying to pull it out. Go talk to your wife or do a mission to get experince.

Buffer Hero

If your tired of looking at a scrawny mage, ifyou have the berserk spell you can stay that bigforever. Use the berserk spell and save the game,then load up that game and your hero will behuge! Note: This is just for your appearence,you will not be stronger or faster, this willwear off once you use berserk again.

Unlimited Silver Keys

Fable 2 Cheats

On the first mission to find the archeologisthere is a silver key in the water. Fish it out,then you will have one key. Save the game, thenturn off your xbox. Turn it back on load thegame and the silver key will be in yourpossesion and you will be at the start of themission so you may keep fishing the key out thisway to have unlimited silver keys.

Lightning Augmentation

When helping the traders through the Darkwood Marshes youwill meet a trader that has been injured by a Balverine. If youhelp him you will receive 'good' points but later on he will turninto a balverine and attack you. Also in Darkwood ther is astone with a hole near the top on the right side of the map witha key in it; shoot it out to get the key. In one of the last stages ofDarkwood you will have to fight a ground troll. Destroy it and onthe left there will be a pathway that leads to 2 barrels and achest containing a lightning augmentation

Mid-day Looting

Ever get sick of having to break into shops atnight to do your looting? This is a good way toloot durring day time. First your going to needto get the clerk drunk. 2 or 3 beers should dothe trick. When the clerk is completely wastedyou can move him around very easily by runninginto him. Push him outside or into another room.He will walk around aimlessly talking tohimself. Meanwhile you can steal everything ondisplay in his store. Beware of customerswalking into the store.

Stealing Hint

Another sure way to steal in a shop is to. 1.Get the shopkeeper drunk with 2-3 beers. 2. Thenpush the shopkeeper out of the shop (this maytake a while the first time but later it getseasier). 3. Then give the shopekeeper 1-2 morebeers to make sure he doesnt come back for awhile. 4. Steal till your hearts content!(Note. if you might have given the shopkeeper alittle to many beers go to a house preferablyone already owned in the area and sleep twice tomake it the same time just another day and hewont be drunk anymore.)

Easy Stealing

If your having trouble stealing from shops anddon't want to wait to get the picklock or evenafter, just try this little tip.Step 1: Ask the shop keep to follow you, don'tworry if your not renown enough or they justdon't want to, just ask.Step 2: Give them a beer.Step 3: Ask to follow again, if they do leadthem somewhere away from the shop. If they don'tdon't worry.Step 4: Give them 5 more beers. They'll be toodrunk to follow you back, so go steal. If theydidn't follow you, give the 5 beers anyway andthey will stumble about their shop not payingmuch attention, so steal their good from undertheir nose, just be careful cuz they can stillcatch you.

Run To The Demon Door And Back

The character does not run by default. You must press the B button to run. Beforeyou talk to the character that starts the race, be sure you are facing in thedirection you need to run. When the timer begins immediately start running and besure to avoid everyone in your path. Run straight around to where the door is andline yourself up directly down the middle of the rock bridge. As soon as youtouch the door (you don't have to select it) push the stick in the oppositedirection and you should go straight back across. Then just avoid all people onthe way back and as soon as you see the dialog balloon (aiming at the race guy)hit the button to end the challenge.


Stealable items can be found in the shops. To attempt to steal them, you cantarget the item, and then use the ‘shoplift’ expression.


Some food types have special abilities; they might change day to night, improvesome of your attributes or change your alignment.

Cause Distractions While Committing Crimes

You'll need to pal around with some sidekicks who will do your dirty work foryou. Have the sidekicks fight guards to cause a distraction, which will result inNPC's running away, giving you all the time you need to commit crimes such asstealing etc.

Pick Locks Of Houses

Wait until late in the evenings or during the night, as the chance of beingcaught is reduced to an absolute minimum. Pay attention to the Eye of Awarenesswhile committing a crime; as it might prevent you from being caught.

Commit Easier Crimes

Make sure a non player character is NOT looking in your direction when you commita crime and you'll get away with it.

Bribe Guards

You can pay for the guards 'break time' which is a great way to commit crimeswithout getting caught.

Secret Hairstyle

After you fight the Wasp Queen look for a hairstyle card on the bench.

50,000 Gold

While playing the game press X, B, R, L, A(4). If you entered the code correctly Fable should say 'yes'.

We have no unlockables for Fable yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Fable yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Fable yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: Souzetsu Kitsune.Read the full guide..

Created by: Fable Black Knight.Read the full guide..

Created by: FoxFire999.Read the full guide..

Created by: starwarsman55.Read the full guide..

Created by: Diablo2master.Read the full guide..

Created by: evilmastercheif.Read the full guide..

Money Glitch:
This isn't really a glitch but it kinda works like one.

1. Get enough money to buy a Shop/Stall and at least 5 expensive items from the shop/stall.
2. Buy the shop/stall.
3. Buy the most expensive items you can afford.
4. Sell the shop/stall.
5. Sell the items back to the shop.
6. Redo for more money.
Note You can loose money if the shop is too expensive. Since you get 25 off when your the owner you earn money from buying shop,buying items,selling shop, selling items.

Experience Glitch:
Note This only works if you got 2 controls.

1. Get a few abilities.
2. Press start on the 2nd control. This will activate the second player function.
3. 'Sell' the Abilites on your henchman 2nd player.
4. Go back to the main part of 2nd player start and press Quit.
5. You will now get the Experience from your henchman.

Fast Gold:
This is a cheat I use to make fast gold for Fable 2. Fable 2 arcade pub game must be installed on the system and you must have Xbox live account to transfer gold for it to work. By submitting this cheat I do not claim it is mine, as the other web sites might already have the same cheat I am using Great minds think alike?. I am just sharing my cheating methods since I have not seen any similar cheats on Cheathappens.

When game launches for the first time. Do not update, run the game normally. Get your hero past the introduction levels to where he grew up and can interact with others in towns. This is where I begin the cheat.

I log off the game. Go play Fable 2 arcade pub games. Do not install any update for Fable 2 pub game either. At character selection screen, select your hero's name. Then play the Fortune Tower game. There is a glitch to win alot of money while betting at minimum amount. For example, I go to the highest level of Fortune Tower game I can join, which was 60-600 60 min. bet - 600g max bet. Bid the amount of 60, when the 1st card is dealt, immediately press LB and it will be set to highest bet allowed. So if i lose the game, I only lose 60 coins. But if I win I can get as much as 600 up to thousands depending on how far I go. Repeat this step lowest bet amount to start and raise to highest amount when first card is dealt until you reach your desired gold amount. When you have enough points you can gain to higher leve game and can win at least 1500 gold for placing a 150 gold bet per game.For a clearer explanation for this gold glitch cheat in Fortune tower, you can find it on xbox solution website forums. Some users have better ways to explain things step by step.

When you are satisfied with your current winnings, you can exit the pub game and run Fable 2. The money you won in Pub game will be transferred to your Fable 2 character automatically when your launch the game without the update. If you won any special items while playing Pub game, you can retrieve them by going to the Game Master in the tavern and play a game with him. Once the game loaded, you can exit the game without playing it and he will give you the items you won from your Fable 2 pub games.

By doing this cheat I got my character 200,000 easy gold in 20 minutes and won a nice augmented pistol that has double shooting range and faster loading speed comparing to an expensive steel blunderbuss I bought in town. If you have already update your game, there is a way to delete your game updates all your downloaded games will stay. You can search in xbox solution website to find out how.

Infinite Experience:
Once you get into Bowerstone Market walk to Town Square. Once there you will find a potion shopkeeper on the left hand side. Walk around the right side of the buildings there and down an alley to find a house known as Monster Manor. Sleep in this manor to gain its benefit 1 star of Physique Once you gain this benefit, go to your abilities list, select physique and hit Y to unlearn it. You will find that the bonus star from the house does not disappear, but the experience is given to you anyway. You can repeat this process over and over, the more stars you have in physique the more exp you get each time. This experience is general experience and can be applied to any skills.

Easy Money:
1st turn off xbox live, and then start the Game. Buy any property and then rent it out. Save and Exit. Go to the Clock Adjust in the Settings menu in dashboard. Change the date to 2025. You should get a good bit of monies.. then log back in the game, save and exit change the date back to 2005. log in, Save and exit, change the date back to 2025. BUY more houses and repeat. Every time I log in now I get 650,000. Took about an hour to set up but now I have more than enough money for the game.

Infinite XP:
Here's how to get infinite XP if you've patched the game, as the patch fixed the other method.

Put as many points into your skills as possible.
Start up a henchman using the second controller.
Go into your henchman's skills and unlearn all of them.
Quit the henchman.

This will pop up a window telling you all of the gold/exp the henchman had is going to be transferred to the main hero. Do this a couple times, then use the new XP to put even more into your hero's skills. Lather, rinse, repeat until you get as much XP as you desire.

The way this works:
Whenever you create a henchman, he gains all of the skills that you have. So after you unlearn the skills, you get all of this back as general XP. Once you Quit the henchman, his info is lost..which means if you start up another, he will have your skills again


The Pooch Pamperer
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Play fetch with your dog, or see another Hero's dog play.

The Archaeologist
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Dig up something the dog has discovered, or see another Hero do so.

The Dog Trainer
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Teach your dog a trick, or see another Hero's dog learn one.

The Persuader
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Convince a villager to give you a present, or see another Hero do so.

The Show-off
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Impress a villager with a perfect expression, or see another Hero do so.

The Romantic
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Take a villager on a perfect date, or tag along to one. Location and expressions are all-important.

The Spouse
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Marry a villager, or attend the wedding of another Hero.

The Parent
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Have a child, or be there for the birth of another Hero's child.

The Hunter
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Kill a sweet, innocent, fluffy bunny rabbit remember, safety's off

The Gargoyle
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Find the gargoyles' legendary treasure.

The Chicken Kicker
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Kick a chicken a good distance, or see one getting kicked.

The Cliff Diver
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Cliff dive 500 feet, or see another Hero do so.

The Workhorse
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: A Hero must achieve a high-enough chain while performing a job.

The Hero of Many Names
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Change your Hero's title, or see another Hero change theirs.

The Teaser
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Make bandits respond to expressions with fear, anger, mirth, and confusion.. during combat

The Property Magnate
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: A property must be sold for twice the price it was bought for.

The Rogue
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Steal something undetected from a building while there are people nearby, or see another Hero do so.

The Illustrated Hero
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Tattoo every part of your Hero's body, or see another Hero do so.

The Executioner
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Sacrifice ten people in the Temple of Shadows, or see another Hero do so.

The Gambler
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: A Hero must win 500 gold at a pub game in one sitting, having tried each game type at least once.

The Bigamist
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Get married a second time, whilst already married, or attend the second wedding of another Hero.

The Swinger
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Take part in a debauched bedroom party with several participants.

The Pied Piper
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Start a party where at least five villagers are dancing, or see another Hero do so.

The Party Animal
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Get five villagers drunk in under three minutes, or see another Hero do so.

The Menace To Society
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Commit an act of public indecency, or see another Hero commit one.

The Black Knight
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Shoot the weapons from a hollow man's hands, blow off his head and then kill him for good

The Duellist
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: String together a full-speed chain attack, or see another Hero do so.

The Sharpshooter
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Hit three enemies with one shot, or see another Hero do so.

The Archmage
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: A Hero must kill five human enemies with one spell.

The Ruler of Albion
Reward: 100 Points
Objective: Amass a 2.5 million gold real estate empire, or be there when another Hero does.

The Hoarder
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Collect every silver key, or see another Hero do so.

The Goth
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: A Hero must dye their hair black, and wear a black outfit and black makeup.

The Completionist
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Get all expressions, pet tricks and abilities, or see another Hero do so.

The Paragon
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Reach 100 good or evil, or see another Hero do so.

Fable Cheats Pc

The Extremist
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Reach 100 purity or corruption, or see another Hero do so.

The Celebrity
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Reach 50,000 renown, or see another Hero do so.

The Artisan
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Succeed at one job to Level 5, or see another Hero do so.

The Dollcatcher
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Collect all the Hero dolls, or see another Hero collect them.

The Muse
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Inspire the Bard to compose songs celebrating your great deeds.

The Philanthropist
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Send a gift to an Xbox LIVE friend, or watch another Hero send one.

The Whippersnapper
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: A child Hero must collect five gold pieces.

The New Hero
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: The terror of Bower Lake must be defeated.

Fable Anniversary Cheats Xbox One

The Hero of Strength
Reward: 100 Points
Objective: Complete The Hero of Strength.

The Hero of Will
Reward: 100 Points
Objective: Complete The Hero of Will.

The Hero of Skill
Reward: 100 Points
Objective: Complete The Hero of Skill.

The Sacrifice
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: A Hero must choose 'The Needs of the Many'.

The Family
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: A Hero must choose 'The Needs of The Few'.

The Egomaniac
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: A Hero must choose 'The Needs of the One'.


Fable For Xbox

The Companions
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Perform a perfect co-op expression.

Fable Game Xbox One

The Double Threat
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Get a co-op combat bonus.