Overlord Game Cheats Pc

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Overlord Game Cheats Pc Rating: 5,0/5 3798 reviews
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview

Overlord (2007) trainer 1.4 Add Life, Add Magic, Invincible Minions, Set Gold to 1 Million, Set Minion Cap to 10000, One Hit Kills, Convert to Good/Evil, Save Position, Teleport, Hover Mode (control minions from the sky). Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE ORIGINAL PATCHED 1.4 VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions.

Easy gold

Defeat the spider Boss in Everlight Temple. Use the elevator to exit. After you have the Netherworld Gate to this zone unlocked, return to the temple, and open the secret room at the top of the stairs by using the Overlord switch. You can collect at least 1,000 gold from the treasure chests inside the secret room. Warp to Nordburg Town Gate 3 to reset the temple area. You can also loot the treasure chests next to the Tower Gate. Go back and forth between those two areas to get easy gold.

  • Your source for PC gaming cheats, game news, reviews & previews. Amazon Price Tracker GamesTracker Ltd accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the Overlord 2 cheats, hints, tips, achievements, PC cheat codes, walkthroughs, secrets, easter eggs, trivia.
  • Table for Overlord. Works with Overlord game ripped by.Reloaded. There is a torrent. Check mininova or the pirate bay. Updated for v1.2. Works with HATRED update patch 1.2. The old table is still in this message. The new table Overlord-1.2.CT is in another message I posted further down this thread here.

Enslave both Nordberg and Everlight for large chests of gold that spawn when the area is reset. Teleport between the two to collect from both and reset each for your return. Each set of chests contains at least 1,000 gold. Note: You must completely dominate a town to get 1,000 gold from chest spawning sites. All 100 citizens must be enslaved; for each 10 citizens not enslaved will result in 100 gold being subtracted (for example, 90 people enslaved results in 900 gold). -From: Demos

Easy magic crystals

When doing the 'Repair The Tower Heart' quest, go to the last sanctuary in the wasteland after collecting the tower heart shards and returning to Faye. When you enter the room where the heart is lodged in a gnome hole, move the heart after positioning ten brown minions at the bottleneck near the netherworld portal, and five red minions behind them for precautionary measures. The gnomes coming out of the hole and trying to attack you will run into your minions. Collect all the crystals for easy money. -From: Demos

Easy Lifeforce

Note: By the time you get to this area you should have picked up two Forge Stones. Go to Forge, and buy the Evil Eye Helmet. This gives you two Lifeforces instead of one for each collected. Go to the area where you need to recover the Green Hive. When you are making your way out with it, you will reach an area with two big opponents that shoot the blue beam gun. One will be roaming up top, and the other stands next to a wheel to open the door next to him. In the same room is a floor plate to release the gnomes behind a cage door. Release the gnomes, and use them to help kill both of the blue beam gun opponents. After they are dead, return to the gnome cage and open it again. They will keep respawning. Try setting yourself near the top of the stairs going down while facing toward the cage. Then, send out your minions. While they are out hunting, set your controller to keep sending out minions. When not killing, they are collecting Lifeforce at double the rate due to the helmet.

After gaining the green hive, return to Everlight fortress. Get at least ten reds and whatever minions of the other colors desired. Go to the center of the courtyard where you hear the gnomes. Place the reds at the bottom of the stairs facing the gnome's prison, then activate the switch to let them out. The gnomes will run out but will be scared of the reds and move back. About five or six gnomes will run out at a time. Allow the reds to scare them into the corner. After some time when you think there are a reasonable amount of gnomes, send the rest of the horde up there to kill them off quickly. Some might get past you. Either let them go or track them down and kill them. You will only receive red, brown, and green Lifeforces. If done correctly, you should have no problem killing 1,000 gnomes and will never have to worry about running low on your favorite color minions.

Overlord Pc Console Commands

Easy dominance

To dominate a town, over 50% of the town must be enslaved. Thus, only enslave 60 villagers in each town, and exterminate the rest. This will make it dominated, and you will not have to run all over the town looking for the rest of the villagers. -From: Demos

Ultimate horde

After finishing the assault on Empire City, return to find no troops, several boxes with the highest grade armor and weapons, and over 2,000 gold per visit. Thor the dark world game cheats android. -From: Demos

Overlord Game Cheats PcFinding more people

Overlord Game Cheats Pc Cheats

Is it illegal to cheat in video games. There are 100 people in Nordberg and Everlight. In addition to the approximately 50 people wandering through the towns, you can find others by breaking down the doors of the houses.

Completing Devourer sections

First Devourer section

    Get about 40 reds and 10 blues. Let the blues clean up the place of all the slime, and let your reds attack the Devourer. When he leaves, clean up the slime with the blues by dragging them over it.

Second Devourer section

    Get 15 browns, and attack the soldiers on the right until they are dead. Then, let the browns kill the archers. Go to the far left corner from the entrance, and kill the remaining archers with your browns. Return to exchange your browns for 40 reds and 10 blues. Put 20 reds (on a banner) on each of the two plateaus, and wait until the Devourer leaves for the third part. Then, clean up the slime with the blues.

Last Devourer section

    Get 40 reds and 10 blues. Put four groups of ten reds on the following strategic locations: on the balcony in front of the beast; down the stairs on the left side of the beast; behind the beast; on the right side of the beast. Drag around your blues to prevent the spread of the slime. Do this while standing to the right of the stairs. By doing this you can get to Solarius quickly when he is regurgitated by the beast to drain him with your evil presence spell.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview

Note: This is the 2007 game by Codemasters, not to be confused with the 1990 Overlord game by Virgin Mastertronic.

Easy max imbued gear

Overlord Cheat Engine

Forge a piece of gear without imbuing anything into it. Then, upgrade it and put as many minions into it as desired. As soon as the animation starts, but before any minions jump into the smelter, pause the game, save, and exit. When you return, the minions will have been imbued, but will not have been taken from your supply.

Easy soul gathering

To do this trick, you must first have fought Dazzler Beetles (found in the blue minion cave), Puff Beetles (Evernight), Magma Beetles (outside of Heavens Peak), and Battler Beetles. After you have fought at least one of each, they will be available at your dungeon. Go to your dungeon and choose to fight one of the four. The easiest way to take out the horde of beetles is to pull only a few from the swarm and take your time killing them individually. Green minions work well due to the fact that they are experts at overwhelming and killing your enemies. Set a marker for them to wait at and they will eventually turn invisible. Pull a few beetles and make them follow you to the marker, where your minions will then jump on them and eventually kill them. Battler Beetles are good for getting Brown souls. Puff Beetles are good for getting Green souls. Magma Beetles give red souls, and Dazzler beetles give blue souls. You should get at least 75 souls each time you completely kill all of the beetles that are in the dungeon.

Use the following trick for fast green minion soul gathering. When you find the green minion hive, you will see five green minions jump into the spawning pit for you to take control of. Do not do that; instead, go to the tower using the gate beside the tree spawn pits to your right, then return to the green minion hive. Five more green minions will jump into the spawn pit, and you will still have the ones from before. You can do this as many times as desired, but after you take the hive it will no longer work.

Overlord Game Cheats Pc Multiplayer

Overlord Game Cheats PcGuard duty

Always have blue minions on guard duty. While on a guard post, they will actively run into the combat, grab a fallen peer, and drag their half conscious form over to you so they can revive their fallen comrade. However, while not assigned, they will wait for you to micromanage them over to the body by sweeping, making them almost useless in a large battle.


When there is water in front of you or blocking your path, only you can walk through it. If your goblin minions go out of the shallow end of the water, they will drown, and can only be saved by blue goblins. Instead of guiding your goblin minions across a complex path to keep them out of the water (which they usually fall in anyway and drown), just walk through the water. Your minions are smart enough not to follow you and will automatically seek the easiest path to get back to you. Be careful; sometimes your minions cannot get through because a bridge needs to be activated (for example, Blue Goblin Cave).

Overlord 2 Pc Game Cheats

Defeating Rollie

War For The Overlord Cheats

Target-lock onto Rollie, and start to circle him while he prepares attacks. After he attacks, you should be able to get directly behind him while he pauses and circle up to his side. Stand against the tank treads on his side, and start hacking away at him. He will not move or try to attack you. You can defeat him in each phase of the battle this way, and it requires no minions.