Sonic Twitter You Cheated Not Only The Game

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Now it’s easier than ever before to find the wacky Mad Libs stories you love! Apps More About Apps @MadLibs: Now that November is over, it's time for Christmas to begin! Delana then decided to write a note to the man during the game that read: “Your wife is cheating on you. Look at the messages under Nancy! Its really a man named Mark Allen.

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What happened to Vine?

As of 2019, the full Vine archive is no longer available. Content that remains on Vine can only be located by using the unique URL of the Vine account, or Tweet URL if the Vine was shared to Twitter, if it has not been deleted or removed.

What is on Vine?

On Vine you’ll be able to find public profiles. These profiles may include: Vine username, Vine display name, public Vines, the date the Vine was originally posted, Vine captions, and the number of likes, revines and loops for each Vine. Please note, some of this information may not appear if it was deleted by the user or due to technical limitations.

Can I log in to Vine?

We have removed the ability to log in to Vine. If you wish to delete your Vine account, you can let us know by emailing us at with a link to your Vine profile page (i.e.,

Can I delete my Vines?

Yes. If you wish to delete your Vine account, you can let us know by emailing us at with a link to your Vine profile page (i.e.,

I can’t see my account, what happened?

If you do not see your Vines or Profile on Vine, it may be due to technical limitations. If you have not deleted your account, you should still be able to see public Vines you shared on Twitter.

Can I download my Vines?

You can no longer download your Vines. You can still view your Vines on the website through your browser.

How do I find my Vine Account?

To find your Vine Account you’ll need the username you selected at sign up. Once you have your user name you can go to and replace MyUserName with your username.

If you do not remember your Vine username but shared any of your Vine’s on Twitter you can go to the media tab of your profile page to find your Vines. Once you’ve located a Vine, please click on the View on Vine hyperlink, which will take you to the Vine Archive Page for that Vine. To find your profile page, simply click on your username below the Vine and you should be brought to your profile page.

Do Vines embedded on the web still work?

Yes, embedded Vines on Twitter and the web still play.

Does my vanity URL still work?

Your vanity URL still exists on and displays your profile screen.

Do the loop counts on still count?

No. Think of the archive as a time capsule from the date posting was turned off.

Can I like, share, or re-vine Vines?

You cannot like or re-vine Vines. You can still share them by sharing the unique URL for the Vine.

I am being impersonated

As stated in the Vine Rules, using your account to impersonate others is prohibited. Accounts found to be in violation of our impersonation guidelines may be permanently suspended. Please be aware that you cannot report impersonation for others.

Parody, commentary, and fan accounts are permitted on In order to ensure that users are aware that your account is a parody, commentary or fan account, please identify it as such in the following areas:

Avatar: The avatar should not be the exact trademark or logo of the account subject, or portray another person in a confusing or deceptive manner.

Username: The name should not be the exact name of the account subject without some other distinguishing word, such as “not,” “fake,” or “fan.“

Description: The description should include a statement to distinguish it from the account subject, such as “This is a parody,” “This is a fan page,” “Parody Account,” “Fan Account,” “Role-playing Account,” or “This is not affiliated with…”

Please note that your account must be fully compliant with the Vine Rules and Terms of Service in addition to meeting these requirements.

Sonic Twitter You Cheated Not Only The Games

If you discover an account that you think is impersonating you or your organization, please report it by emailing Please note that we require the individual or organization directly involved or someone legally authorized to act on their behalf to report the issue.

Our team will investigate the issue and let you know whether the account violates our policies. Keep in mind that we rarely remove accounts with the same name but no other commonalities with you or your organization.

I think someone is stealing my content

Someone copied my post on Vine. What do I do?
You can submit a DMCA takedown request via our DMCA form seeking the removal of infringing use of copyrighted content. See our copyright and DMCA policy for more information.

Someone copied my Vine post on another site. What do I do?
Twitter is unable to control the contents of third-party websites. You will need to contact the owners of the site in question to request removal.

I want to use someone else’s Vine post. Can you give me permission?
It’s okay to Tweet a link to any Vine post. If you want to incorporate someone else’s Vine post in a new post on Vine or elsewhere, you may need to get permission from the poster first.

I want to use someone else’s copyrighted work in my Vine post
Unless the use you’re considering could be protected by fair use or similar concepts, you may need to get permission from the copyright owner first.

Are Vine posts copyrightable?
Yes! As long as the post is original and creative, it is subject to the same protections as any audiovisual work. For more information regarding your rights on Vine see the Vine Terms of Service.

I found a spam account

If you encounter an account you think was spamming, please feel free to report it as spam by emailing a link to the account and a description of the spam.

For more information about the criteria we use to evaluate accounts for spam and abuse please see the Vine Rules.

How do I report abuse/sensitive media?

Vine does investigate and remove profile photos for violations such as nudity or pornographic content. Media within Vine posts that might be considered sensitive content – such as nudity, violence, or medical procedures – can be flagged for our review by emailing Be sure to review the Vine Rules for more information.

What are Vine’s Graphic Content, Sensitive Media and Explicit Sexual Content policies?

For questions regarding our policies regarding Vine Content, please review the Vine Rules and check out the following FAQs:

Graphic Content
Vine is a platform for a broad range of expression including spontaneous moments, hilarious jokes, and meaningful events. Explicit graphic content is not allowed on Vine.

What is explicit graphic content?
Explicit graphic content includes, but is not limited to, graphic depictions of serious bodily harm, bodily fluids, or animal abuse.

Examples of graphic content that was not okay to post to Vine:

  • Organized animal fights
  • Killing or torture of animals
  • Torture, mutilation, dismemberment, corpses
  • Violence involving children
  • Physical child abuse
  • Bodily harm such as torture, mutilation, or suicide attempts
  • Bodily fluids

What was okay to post to Vine?
We allow some depictions of graphic content that are not overly excessive or graphic in nature.

Examples of what was okay to post:

  • Scars of healed wounds
  • Hunting media without sadistic commentary
  • Media of food or food processing areas
  • Dead or hurt animals that are not abused
  • Sports such as boxing or martial arts

What happens if I violate this policy?
Users that violate this policy may have their Vine accounts permanently removed from the Vine Archive. .

How can I report content that violates this policy?
If you come across graphic content on Vine, you can report the post by emailing

Sensitive Media
Vine is a platform for a broad range of expression including spontaneous moments, hilarious jokes, and meaningful events.

What is sensitive media?
Sensitive media includes content such as nudity or mild violence. We also consider disparaging speech regarding others based on race, religious affiliation, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, serious disease, or disability to be sensitive and potentially a violation of the Vine Rules.

What was okay to post to Vine?
Some depictions of media fall outside of this category and are not considered sensitive.

Examples of what’s okay to post:

  • Breastfeeding media
  • Mild cuts and bruises
  • Cartoon violence

How can I report content that violates this policy?
If you come across sensitive media on Vine that clearly violates our rules, you can report it by emailing

Explicit Sexual Content
Vine is a platform for a broad range of expression including spontaneous moments, hilarious jokes, and meaningful events. Pornographic or explicit sexual content is not allowed on Vine.

What is explicit sexual content?
Explicit sexual content includes depictions of sex acts, nudity that is sexually provocative or in a sexual context, and graphic depictions of sexual arousal.

Examples of what was not okay to post to Vine:

  • Sex acts, whether alone or with another person
  • Use of sex toys for sex acts
  • Sexually provocative nudity, for example, posts that focus on exposed genitalia or depict nudity in a context or setting that is sexually provocative (like a strip club)
  • Close-ups of aroused genitals underneath clothing
  • Art or animation that is sexually graphic (such as hentai)

What was okay to post to Vine?
We allow depictions of nudity or partial nudity that are primarily documentary, educational or artistic in nature. We also allow suggestive posts, just not sexually explicit ones.

  • Examples of what was okay to post to Vine:
  • Nudity in a documentary context, e.g. videos of nude protesters
  • Nudity in an artistic context, e.g. nude modeling in an art class
  • Nudity that is not sexually provocative, e.g. breastfeeding
  • Clothed sexually suggestive dancing

What happens if I violated this policy?
Users that violate this policy may have their Vine accounts permanently removed from the Vine Archive.

How can I report content that violates this policy?
If you come across explicit sexual content on Vine, you can report the post by emailing

Reporting content promoting child sexual exploitation
If you think you’ve found a Vine account distributing or promoting child sexual exploitation while using Vine, please report it. Please provide the Vine account ID and links to the relevant posts that lead you to believe the account should be investigated.

If you have found content elsewhere on the internet that is distributing or promoting child sexual exploitation, you should file a report with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, or your local law enforcement.

Note: Please do NOT post or repost child sexual exploitation for any reason. Please report it to us immediately and we will take steps to remove it.

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    • Twitter Rules and policies

What happened to Vine?

As of 2019, the full Vine archive is no longer available. Content that remains on Vine can only be located by using the unique URL of the Vine account, or Tweet URL if the Vine was shared to Twitter, if it has not been deleted or removed.

What is on Vine?

On Vine you’ll be able to find public profiles. These profiles may include: Vine username, Vine display name, public Vines, the date the Vine was originally posted, Vine captions, and the number of likes, revines and loops for each Vine. Please note, some of this information may not appear if it was deleted by the user or due to technical limitations.

Can I log in to Vine?

We have removed the ability to log in to Vine. If you wish to delete your Vine account, you can let us know by emailing us at with a link to your Vine profile page (i.e.,

Can I delete my Vines?

Yes. If you wish to delete your Vine account, you can let us know by emailing us at with a link to your Vine profile page (i.e.,

I can’t see my account, what happened?

If you do not see your Vines or Profile on Vine, it may be due to technical limitations. If you have not deleted your account, you should still be able to see public Vines you shared on Twitter.

Can I download my Vines?

You can no longer download your Vines. You can still view your Vines on the website through your browser.

How do I find my Vine Account?

To find your Vine Account you’ll need the username you selected at sign up. Once you have your user name you can go to and replace MyUserName with your username.

If you do not remember your Vine username but shared any of your Vine’s on Twitter you can go to the media tab of your profile page to find your Vines. Once you’ve located a Vine, please click on the View on Vine hyperlink, which will take you to the Vine Archive Page for that Vine. To find your profile page, simply click on your username below the Vine and you should be brought to your profile page.

Do Vines embedded on the web still work?

Yes, embedded Vines on Twitter and the web still play.

Does my vanity URL still work?

Your vanity URL still exists on and displays your profile screen.

Do the loop counts on still count?

No. Think of the archive as a time capsule from the date posting was turned off.

Can I like, share, or re-vine Vines?

You cannot like or re-vine Vines. You can still share them by sharing the unique URL for the Vine.

I am being impersonated

As stated in the Vine Rules, using your account to impersonate others is prohibited. Accounts found to be in violation of our impersonation guidelines may be permanently suspended. Please be aware that you cannot report impersonation for others.

Parody, commentary, and fan accounts are permitted on In order to ensure that users are aware that your account is a parody, commentary or fan account, please identify it as such in the following areas:

Avatar: The avatar should not be the exact trademark or logo of the account subject, or portray another person in a confusing or deceptive manner.

Username: The name should not be the exact name of the account subject without some other distinguishing word, such as “not,” “fake,” or “fan.“

Description: The description should include a statement to distinguish it from the account subject, such as “This is a parody,” “This is a fan page,” “Parody Account,” “Fan Account,” “Role-playing Account,” or “This is not affiliated with…”

Please note that your account must be fully compliant with the Vine Rules and Terms of Service in addition to meeting these requirements.

If you discover an account that you think is impersonating you or your organization, please report it by emailing Please note that we require the individual or organization directly involved or someone legally authorized to act on their behalf to report the issue.

Our team will investigate the issue and let you know whether the account violates our policies. Keep in mind that we rarely remove accounts with the same name but no other commonalities with you or your organization.

I think someone is stealing my content

Someone copied my post on Vine. What do I do?
You can submit a DMCA takedown request via our DMCA form seeking the removal of infringing use of copyrighted content. See our copyright and DMCA policy for more information.

Someone copied my Vine post on another site. What do I do?
Twitter is unable to control the contents of third-party websites. You will need to contact the owners of the site in question to request removal.

I want to use someone else’s Vine post. Can you give me permission?
It’s okay to Tweet a link to any Vine post. If you want to incorporate someone else’s Vine post in a new post on Vine or elsewhere, you may need to get permission from the poster first.

I want to use someone else’s copyrighted work in my Vine post
Unless the use you’re considering could be protected by fair use or similar concepts, you may need to get permission from the copyright owner first.

Are Vine posts copyrightable?
Yes! As long as the post is original and creative, it is subject to the same protections as any audiovisual work. For more information regarding your rights on Vine see the Vine Terms of Service.

I found a spam account

If you encounter an account you think was spamming, please feel free to report it as spam by emailing a link to the account and a description of the spam.

For more information about the criteria we use to evaluate accounts for spam and abuse please see the Vine Rules.

How do I report abuse/sensitive media?

Vine does investigate and remove profile photos for violations such as nudity or pornographic content. Media within Vine posts that might be considered sensitive content – such as nudity, violence, or medical procedures – can be flagged for our review by emailing Be sure to review the Vine Rules for more information.

What are Vine’s Graphic Content, Sensitive Media and Explicit Sexual Content policies?

For questions regarding our policies regarding Vine Content, please review the Vine Rules and check out the following FAQs:

Graphic Content
Vine is a platform for a broad range of expression including spontaneous moments, hilarious jokes, and meaningful events. Explicit graphic content is not allowed on Vine.

What is explicit graphic content?
Explicit graphic content includes, but is not limited to, graphic depictions of serious bodily harm, bodily fluids, or animal abuse.

Examples of graphic content that was not okay to post to Vine:

  • Organized animal fights
  • Killing or torture of animals
  • Torture, mutilation, dismemberment, corpses
  • Violence involving children
  • Physical child abuse
  • Bodily harm such as torture, mutilation, or suicide attempts
  • Bodily fluids

What was okay to post to Vine?
We allow some depictions of graphic content that are not overly excessive or graphic in nature.

Examples of what was okay to post:

  • Scars of healed wounds
  • Hunting media without sadistic commentary
  • Media of food or food processing areas
  • Dead or hurt animals that are not abused
  • Sports such as boxing or martial arts

What happens if I violate this policy?
Users that violate this policy may have their Vine accounts permanently removed from the Vine Archive. .

How can I report content that violates this policy?
If you come across graphic content on Vine, you can report the post by emailing

Sensitive Media
Vine is a platform for a broad range of expression including spontaneous moments, hilarious jokes, and meaningful events.

What is sensitive media?
Sensitive media includes content such as nudity or mild violence. We also consider disparaging speech regarding others based on race, religious affiliation, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, serious disease, or disability to be sensitive and potentially a violation of the Vine Rules.

Sonic Twitter You Cheated Not Only The Game Tonight

What was okay to post to Vine?
Some depictions of media fall outside of this category and are not considered sensitive.

Examples of what’s okay to post:

  • Breastfeeding media
  • Mild cuts and bruises
  • Cartoon violence

How can I report content that violates this policy?
If you come across sensitive media on Vine that clearly violates our rules, you can report it by emailing

Explicit Sexual Content
Vine is a platform for a broad range of expression including spontaneous moments, hilarious jokes, and meaningful events. Pornographic or explicit sexual content is not allowed on Vine.

What is explicit sexual content?
Explicit sexual content includes depictions of sex acts, nudity that is sexually provocative or in a sexual context, and graphic depictions of sexual arousal.

Examples of what was not okay to post to Vine:

  • Sex acts, whether alone or with another person
  • Use of sex toys for sex acts
  • Sexually provocative nudity, for example, posts that focus on exposed genitalia or depict nudity in a context or setting that is sexually provocative (like a strip club)
  • Close-ups of aroused genitals underneath clothing
  • Art or animation that is sexually graphic (such as hentai)

What was okay to post to Vine?
We allow depictions of nudity or partial nudity that are primarily documentary, educational or artistic in nature. We also allow suggestive posts, just not sexually explicit ones.

  • Examples of what was okay to post to Vine:
  • Nudity in a documentary context, e.g. videos of nude protesters
  • Nudity in an artistic context, e.g. nude modeling in an art class
  • Nudity that is not sexually provocative, e.g. breastfeeding
  • Clothed sexually suggestive dancing

What happens if I violated this policy?
Users that violate this policy may have their Vine accounts permanently removed from the Vine Archive.

How can I report content that violates this policy?
If you come across explicit sexual content on Vine, you can report the post by emailing

Reporting content promoting child sexual exploitation
If you think you’ve found a Vine account distributing or promoting child sexual exploitation while using Vine, please report it. Please provide the Vine account ID and links to the relevant posts that lead you to believe the account should be investigated.

If you have found content elsewhere on the internet that is distributing or promoting child sexual exploitation, you should file a report with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, or your local law enforcement.

Note: Please do NOT post or repost child sexual exploitation for any reason. Please report it to us immediately and we will take steps to remove it.

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