You Cheated Not Only The Game But Yourself Projared

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It will be her decision afterwards if she would want you out of her life. Yes, she still has the say if she would dump your cheating ass or not. She has the final say and you get nothing because you have been fucking greedy, thinking that you can get two pussies. You only get one, selfish motherfucker and you fucking blew it. And you want to support them not only by buying their mus. NDW's direct interview with TSR teams #2: Team Rose News from 2019.04.30 Archived on 2019.04.30 Nintendo Dreams conducted an interview with each team of Team Sonic Racing! Believe It Or Not, Cheating Impacts The Cheater Just As Much As The Victim. Backlash And Questioning Loyalty Are Just A Few Consequences Of Poor Actions, And There's Nobody To Blame But Yourself. You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. MUSIC: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders OST - 'Tension'.

Today, cheating has been reclassified and it includes not only a physical affair but an emotional affair, as well. It may start out as a platonic friendly feeling towards another person and veer off onto an inappropriate path. These types of affairs are increasingly common. According to the statistics, around 45% of men and 35% of women have admitted having some sort of emotional affair.

Let's talk about crazy women. Courtney Love is a crazy woman. Amanda Bynes is a crazy woman. Yoko Ono is a crazy woman. Sybil is a crazy woman. Lorena Bobbitt is a crazy woman.

So before you call that girl crazy, ask yourself a few questions. Is she grinding on an inflatable penis or knifing one off? Is she throwing your bong out the window or shaving off all her hair while holding a doll?

Texting too much. Texting too little. Wanting to see a movie. Not wanting to go to a strip club. Wanting to go to a strip club. Apparently, all these behaviors can make a perfectly sane woman 'crazy.'

Apparently just breathing, just taking in oxygen and expelling it is enough to make you a ripe contestant for the looney bin.

Men call women crazy for two reasons. The first is to shut them up. The second is because it's easier to do that than to admit they did something wrong.

Women bear the brunt of this emotional trauma men so casually commit, starting to believe that they, themselves, might actually be crazy.

But how? What are we doing that's so insane? Do you really think crazy is the right adjective to describe someone who is stating an opinion, reacting to a statement or trying to figure out a plan?

Is she really that crazy because she confronts you for cheating on her because you are cheating on her?

If you ask any of us, it's the men who are the crazy ones. They're the ones running around making all these labels and throwing the C-word around like it's no big deal. How would they like it if we started describing everything they did as CRAZY.

How would they like it if we just decided to label everything about them we didn't like as neurotic, irrational and completely absurd behavior. Well, they'd probably just call us crazy.

(These are actual testimonials of times women were called crazy for no reason.)

1. I'm not jealous, I just don't think you should be making out with a girl in front of me.

2. I'm not a stalker, I'm just curious about your past.

3. I don't text you a lot, you just never answered my one text.

4. I'm not obsessed, I just thought I'd call when you said you were supposed to pick me up and never showed up.

5. I'm not a sex maniac, I just want to have sex.

6. I'm not a prude, I just don't want to have sex in this coat closet in my great aunt's hallway.

7. I'm not trying to see you again, I literally just left my earring at your apartment.

8. I'm not overbearing, I think it's okay after three years of dating to meet your parents.

9. I'm not delusional, she's calling you as we speak.

10. I'm not overbearing, you asked me to stay the night.

11. I'm not impossible, you're asking me to share you with five other women.

12. I'm not anal, you just won't stop asking for it.

13. I'm not psycho, but my friend you banged is -- good luck with that.

14. I'm not hostile, I just don't think you should hit on my best friends.

15. I'm not dramatic, I just had a family member die and you ignored my calls.

16. I'm not a bitch, I just get angry when you'd rather watch football than come to my birthday party.

17. I'm not asking for it, I was just feeling good about the body I work so hard for.

18. I'm not a tease, I just worked a 14-hour day and really want to go to bed right now.

19. I'm not overprotective, I just want to use a condom.

20. I'm not crying, I just f*cked up my contacts.

21. I'm not overly-emotional, you were just being a douchebag and I'm responding to that.

22. I'm not a neat-freak, I just don't want to live with rodents because you can't wash a few dishes.

23. I'm not clingy when I ask to hang out, I just haven't seen you in three weeks.

24. I'm not obsessed with you, I just don't have your number anymore because I know my drunk self better than anyone.

25. I'm not possessive, you're just eating off my plate and this is our first Tinder date.

26. I'm not a bitch, you're just not listening to what I'm saying.

27. I'm not overreacting, you cheated on me while I was at my grandmother's funeral.

28. I'm not frigid, I just really need to poop.

You Cheated Not Only The Game But Yourself Original

29. I'm not being irrational, I just asked you not to use my loofa to scrub your butt.

30. I'm not asking you to be my boyfriend, I just don't understand why you texted me for four months and once we saw each other again, you told me you didn't want to rush into anything because you had been 'hurt before.'

31. I'm not stalking you, these are my friends and this is their party…

32. I'm not being overly-sensitive, you just insulted my religious beliefs.

33. I'm not crazy, you're just a d*ck.

Physical infidelity within a monogamous, long-term partnership is fairly clear-cut: You hooked up with a person who isn't your partner while engaged in a relationship where the deal was that neither of you would do that. If only all cheating were categorized by meeting such a simple criteria. There's all kinds of treachery possible in relationships! Take for example, the slippery case of emotional adultery. And most of us keep our smartphones within quick grabbing distance, a fact that some argue has further blurred the lines between devotion and deviance. The idea of cheating within an exclusive LTR has gone through a bajillion rounds of definitions. It's not surprising a lot of people are left utterly confused with what the term cheating actually means—and those opinions tend to vary among genders to boot. /ps4-pro-game-cheats.html.

Regardless of all the different dishonorable ways you can crush your partner's heart, boundaries still exist. Jealousy and insecurity have the power to cloud an otherwise crystal vision. Dangerous mindsets like that suggest an S.O.'s totally harmless opinions, behaviors, or tastes in some way qualify as cheating. Surely all couples have their own unique trust preferences and comfortable parameters, but when anger flares over silly stuff..seriously? These innocent acts and attitudes fall under wrongful scrutiny because—well, they aren't cheating. Let's all chill for a sec and review what doesn't actually qualify as infidelity.


Let's get one thing straight here: Masturbation and sex with another person are two very separate things (unless you mix them which can be awesome). Obviously the act is different, but so are the results. Choosing to masturbate doesn't indicate that your S.O. is doing a bad job of keeping you sexually satisfied, nor that your interest in the relationship is waning. Like I said before, it's like scratching a different kind of itch. If a person finds this offensive to the point of considering it actual cheating, they probably need to get their self-confidence in check before proceeding in life.

Watching porn

This is possibly done in conjunction with that masturbating we discussed. (Getting off is the only reason people watch porn, right? No one sits around and, like, binge watches a whole season of Real Whorewives Of Los Anal-geles, so they?) And just like masturbation, it's a totally normal, generally solo, activity that doesn't have a thing to do with your current relationship. Should a partner find this threatening, maybe they could funnel these useless feelings into something more productive and fun, like watching porn together!

Having pre-existing, attractive, platonic friends of the same gender to which you're attracted

Something cool about being a functioning human is that we can have control over ourselves. Meaning, should we have a platonic friend who happens to be a full-on babe, we can actually refrain from grinding up on 'em. In fact—and I know this sounds crazy—we stop seeing them as a babe altogether and see them as something so bizarre: a multifaceted, cognizant being. No one should ever have any time for someone who isn't capable of seeing hot people as more than sexual objects. If someone you're dating isn't comfortable with you having platonic friendships with people who match the gender and orientation you're typically attracted to, then not only are they probably too untrusting and insecure for you to be dating, but they clearly have an annoyingly limited sense of the kinds of relationships people are capable of having.

Making NEW attractive, platonic friends of the same gender to which you're attracted

Don't mean a thing other than indication other people who like BronyCon as much as you also exist. Here's a new friend, emphasis on that only. Drake was wrong—new friends are fine.

Remaining congenial with an ex

Everyone has a past and some people have the abilities to overcome the difficult parts of that past with the people in it, working their histories into healthy realities. As long as you keep it honest, there should be no offense in keeping people around who you used to date.

Enjoying your space

Spending time alone, even when you're in a relationship (wait—especially if you're in a relationship) regularly is wise, if not completely necessary. When someone doesn't respect your need to tend to your kombucha project or just reading in private twice a week, that's bad news. Autonomy is super vital and your partner should not just know that but also be cool with it. Needing some You Time is not tantamount to infidelity, which yes, is a thing that some of the clingiest clingers will claim.

Practicing good manners with strangers

Guess what smiling and tipping a service industry professional means? It means you're a decent person. Some things it doesn't mean: you wanna tap that, you're not wearing underwear, you're going to think about that bartender next time you bang your S.O., etc. How is it possible that some people think that 'being polite' or even 'being friendly' is the same as 'giving someone a green light to access your panties'?

Dancing with other people

Groove things have got to be let loose and shaken from time to time. In most relationships I've experienced or known, only one half of the couple digs hitting up the dance floor. It's a tragedy, really, but not a valid reason to hang up those boogie shoes forever. As a result, we often catch the opportunity to dance with friends, friends-of-friends, or—get ready—strangers. Dancing, despite what Footloose suggests, does not carry a hidden agenda and as long as your chosen moves don't include straight-up humping, you're in the clear.

Fully-clothed hugs

You cheated not only the game but yourself

Demonstrative greetings are chill, assuming they're relatively brief, include clothes, and don't involve a lot of mouth-to-skin action.

You cheated not only the game but yourself

Getting drunk without an S.O. also present

Sure, you love getting a little bit wasty-face with your significant other, but life happens and sometimes your partner isn't around to join in the fun. Does that mean the fun shouldn't happen without them? Hell no. Also, time spent separate from each other is a healthy thing. As long as you aren't turning into that person who regularly comes home each night around 4AM falling down wasted, there shouldn't be anything traitorous or uncool about you getting your drink on without your main boo around.

Wearing revealing clothes

Just..don't even start with this. No matter what your relationship status, you're allowed to wear whatever you want. Period. We wear clothes for ourselves, first and foremost. A carefully curated outfit is very unlikely designed to attract onlookers and/or people with whom we're definitely gonna bone.

'Netflix Infidelity'

You Cheated Not Only The Game But Yourself

When you go forward alone with a TV series you started with a partner, that isn't cheating. But it also isn't very nice and I don't recommend doing it.

An easy way to evaluate cheating? If you feel like you need to hide it from your partner, you shouldn't do that. Honesty is important. Remember, Netflix never forgets.

You've Cheated Not Only The Game But Yourself

Images: Jason Corey/Flickr; Giphy (12)